
Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Have a look at my 2013 ebooks at Smashwords

This year I wrote my first two ebooks - and with some trepidation I must admit.  The strange new world of epublishing was extraordinarily challenging for someone more accustomed to dealing with the comfortable environment of child rearing/education magazines and the desks of  the guardians of old fashioned publishing houses.  Not so very long ago manuscripts were either dismissed or cautiously accepted with crisp references to where improvements might be made.  Not so any more.

I finished my novel DECEIVED BY FAITH quite quickly and once the required cover design and formatting had been completed  by an efficient lady somewhere in Chicago, all I had to do was grapple with the intricacies of the Smashwords website.  I must admit I enlisted the help of a visiting son for this as it all looked far too difficult for my aging brain.   I priced the book competitively and was delighted when it appeared online and totally accessible almost immediately. Go to:

Fired with enthusiasm I then completed the childhood memoir I had been writing on and off for some years CHALK PITS & CHERRY STONES.   This time the cover design and formatting went in different directions - Sweden and Malta, and again the work was completed within a pleasingly short space of time.  I decided to make this book totally free to download in order that it could be available to Kent local history groups, schools, etc.   Go to:

Thus far I have to say that my experience of electronic publishing has been a positive one.


My two new books have been available at Smashwords for some months.  DECEIVED BY FAITH is a novel and CHALK PITS & CHERRY STONES is a childhood memoir.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Storybridge Weekend

Well a great time was had by all at Selwyn College last weekend and in the process this - my very first Blog was born (and very painful it was too).   I am still at the drooling over the new baby stage so any readers that may happen upon this post-birth stage will undoubtedly forgive me.  It is coupled, terrifyingly, with the advent of my new laptop which is making the process a whole lot harder than it ought to be.  Still, fun eh???

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Getting there slowly but surely.

Much more slowly than surely but there you go.


At last, with the help of genius James, this blog is beginning to take on a better shape.

Post No. 4

The problem is that the little icons keep changing their names (or their place) - very confusing.

Not as easy as it first appears to be.

I think I might be in the D stream with this blogging business but hopefully things will improve in the not too distant future.

Second Post - wow!

`Second Post' sounds a bit ominous doesn't it but not to worry, upward and onward.

Welcome to my absolutely new Word Wizardry blog!

Creating a very first blog post is of course just a bit intimidating.   The purpose and function of the exercise is to attempt to reach the realm of new readers for my latest writings (more about that later) and also to share odd bits of information to do with the wonderful world of words.