
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

More hours in each day are needed

I definitely need a larger hour quota per day in order to keep up with all the updating I am now supposed to be doing via various essential sites such as Facebook, Linked In, Street Life ..... and I must not forget this blog of course.    I need perhaps to arm myself with an `Update Diary' so that the time spent is divided equally between these commitments.   I wonder how other people manage.  Maybe they get up very early in the morning and get stuck in before dawn breaks.     I'm already feeling guilty about Twitter.  I haven't even made a start there though I did buy a copy of the Dummies Guide To Twitter For Seniors which I was assured by the person who sold it to me, would help.   Maybe tomorrow!

Monday, 21 July 2014

and of course that was meant to be...

that was meant to be:

I wonder why . . .

I wonder why links that are supposed to work don't always do so?

Free for the next month!

My novel DECEIVED BY FAITH is free for the next month on Smashwords.  The link is:

Friday, 18 July 2014

Eight Ten to Charing Cross is now available FREE!

My new book Eight Ten to Charing Cross is now available on Smashwords and is at present totally FREE! Link is
This second part of my memoir about growing up in North Kent picks up the story in the mid nineteen fifties and explores teenage years.   All hope of becoming a nun is abandoned and nursing is tried briefly and without much enthusiasm.    Working as a shorthand typist is finally settled for and the routine job is livened considerably by taking place in Tin Pan Alley and the popular music business.   

Monday, 14 July 2014

How I hate banks!

I managed to get locked out of a joint account today whilst attempting to log in to on line banking - admittedly to an account that lies dormant for long periods.   Dormant it may be but I am one hundred per cent certain that last time I worked in it, three months or so ago, the password DEFINITELY WORKED!    Now it doesn't and the  voice on the help line was not as helpful as she might have been.   She could not definitely ID me, she said and so she could only suggest that I pop along to the local branch with a driving license.   I felt a bit like one of those unfortunate international travelers on `Border Security' who are cheerfully told their visa for visiting Australia is not going to be granted and they need to pop back to Sri Lanka or Bulgaria.   

Friday, 11 July 2014

What a gigantic waste of time.....!!!!

What a waste of time indeed.  I have spent the entire day trying to locate email files I inadvertently `lost' in some mysterious manner whilst having a springclean.