
Tuesday, 14 July 2015


It seems that Attorney-General Chris Finlayson has finally decided that Solicitor-General Mike Heron QC has his full support.  He’s examined the facts surrounding the manner in which Crown Law dealt with its case against John Banks and has come to a conclusion that satisfies him and one can only imagine Mike Heron as well.   John Banks however, is disappointed – not happy at all.  He had hoped a proper inquiry would be conducted and now can only assume that the behavior of the Crown Lawyers has simply been rubber stamped.   He is disturbed about the matter of withheld evidence which he honestly believes led to a miscarriage of justice in the first place.  He thought some of the actions of the judiciary were outrageous and in fact believes the Solicitor-General had a lot to answer for.
On the other hand Mr. Finlayson thinks that the nature of some of the allegations against the Solicitor-General were - well, frankly `personal’ and anyhow Mike Heron has his full confidence.  He went so far as to say `he is an outstanding Solicitor-General’.
John Banks is saddened about it all.  He feels victimised and he wants a thorough investigation.
Who can blame him?   He has clearly somehow or other trodden on many toes and it would be fair to say, paranoid though it may sound, there are some in positions of power and influence who are `out to get him’.   For the moment they seem to have succeeded.   On the other hand, I say never underestimate our John.  It’s most unlikely he is going to take any of this lying down.  Anyhow I’m with JB as I imagine are many amongst us.

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