
Saturday, 27 February 2016


We joined Grey Power a year or so ago because not only did it seem to be the `right’ time but also there was the lure of cheaper power if we behaved well and paid our subscription on time. Well, that’s how I remember it anyhow. They are a militant group these New Zealand Grey Power folk; you wouldn’t want to cross them because apart from anything else they have Winston Peters on their side and he, as we all know, can be more than confrontational when he needs to be. Without Winston we wouldn’t have The Gold Card now would we so need I saw more? We have not heard a lot from Grey Power since we joined, in fact so little that I had almost forgotten we were members until I received the demand for the 2016 subscription the other day. Pleasingly it arrived with a nice plump newsletter, one of the very few I have seen. There appeared to be lots of news therein including mention of a number of very important and not to be missed meetings coming up soon. A list of them appeared just inside the front cover in a little highlighted box that did as it was meant to do, and caught my eye. The AGM is to be on 31st May but frustrating the time and place was harder to find though I managed to locate the information that it was to be in Christchurch on the next page, venue still not mentioned however. Not to worry, the Scams & Security meeting on 22nd March at 1pm sounded much more like my kind of thing if only I could find which city and which suburb it was to be held in. Not easy though on reading the message from the president’s desk I learned it was hopefully to be held at the Fickling Centre (if only I knew where that was). At one point the President bemoaned the fact that a recent meeting had not been well attended and I found myself giving my empty kitchen a wry nod. Oh well, at least I learned that the magazine is published quarterly (though I’m sure I’ve only seen one previous issue) and that the next edition will be in November 2015 – and the last date to receive articles is 10th April 2016. Despite fleeting feelings of disloyalty I cannot help a frisson of disappointment in Grey Power. They could certainly do a much better job with their quarterly newsletter especially if we are to receive it bi-annually.

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