
Friday, 15 April 2016

SAILS on Friday Night

On Friday evening The Husband and I went to Sails, courtesy of oldest son, Patrick The IT Person (who used to be Patrick The Violinist). John Still The Violinist came with us. We had a lovely cosy corner table and were able to almost touch the yachts of the Rich Folk that bobbed up and down nearby. It was a Tasting Menu we were to experience and we were all looking forward to it, especially Patrick who is partial to Tasting Menus and still maintains that the one we had a week or two ago at Number Five was the best he had experienced in years. The restaurant was busy; well it was Friday I suppose but the staff were unflustered and charming which was nice. We started with WHIPPED GOATS'CURD a tasty concoction with beetroot, date and walnut and progressed to YELLOW FIN TUNA which was quite delicious! This was followed by SPICED CALAMARI - indeed lovely and then came SAVEUR DUCK BREAST which was sensational.....and just when I thought I could not manage another mouthful, the HAWKES BAY LAMB appeared before me....again it was superb! The sweet course was RHUBARB BRULEE and.....hand made CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES. By the time we staggered outside into the briskly chilly night air we were too full to engage in much car park conversation. Patrick still said that he reckoned Number Five produced the better food but The Husband and I told him he was dreaming - in our opinion SAILS came out the winner. John The Violinist agreed with us though added he had not yet tried Number Five. It was a lovely, lovely evening - splendid food, splendid wine, splendid company! A HUGE thank you to oldest son, Patrick The IT Person.

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