
Monday, 5 September 2016

Nespresso & The Mystery of Roma Capsules.....

As I have undoubtedly mentioned more than once this year, we fell totally head over heels in love with our Pixie Clips Nespresso coffee machine. In fact the local coffee shops almost went into a steep decline on account of our sudden absence. No more toiling up Parnell Road several times a week for a caffeine fix because we had our very own centre of addiction right there on the kitchen bench. And what is more, the trusty Pixie Clips could provide the tantalising brew at less than half the price of Non Solo Pizza or La Cigale. Coffee addicts such as we could hardly ask for anything fairer than that. What is more, even though the Nespresso capsules were not provided through the local supermarket chains, they were oh so easily attainable because not only could they be couriered out to us at a moment's notice, they were also to be found conveniently situated in their piece of prime corner real estate just down the road in Auckland city. Not just Auckland either because a month or two ago I could not fail to notice other corner placements in central London and want to say Regent Street and Haymarket but dare not in case I've got that bit wrong. The same will apply to Paris and New York I am sure. Yes indeed, Nespresso is everywhere and there simply to serve you and I! All very laudable but there is a slight downside we have begun to notice concerning our most favoured capsule - the Roma! At first Roma was all any caffeine enthusiast could possibly hope for - a brew with depth and darkly masculine appeal. Well, The Husband wouldn't have described it quite like that but for me Roma was distinctly sexy - at least that's how it seemed in the beginning. When Roma changed with our most recent purchase it wasn't even subtle. It was as if the original Roma had been stolen by Gypsies and an alien faerie Roma left in its place. There I go again with the descriptions but as far as coffee is concerned I can't seem to help myself. Even The Husband noticed it and commented immediately with, `Are you quite sure this is Roma?' In trembling tones I said, ` tastes like shit doesn't it - ?' Could it possibly be that Nespresso have tampered with Roma? Or is it simply that Nespresso lorries tearing through the jungle nights in third world countries or wherever Roma (sorry, don't have all the facts) originates are being hijacked? OR, are we two, down here at the bottom of the world, simply mistaken? Ideas very welcome.

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