
Friday, 7 October 2016

A Few More Thoughts on Racism.....

Having recently come up against pockets of what my Old Nan would have described as truly pukka racism I now begin to realise that the subtle refining of the term must have happened whilst I was asleep. Racism is a belief system no longer – indeed no, for almost overnight it has become a political system and describes a social structure in which a dominant racial group profits from the subjugation of another group (or groups). Within this latest, up to the minute definition of the term only white races (Aryan if you like) can be truly called racist. Now you may well think that although you fall loosely into this pale category this does not apply to you because you are not, and never have been a racist. Well you are wrong! Whites are racist whether they like it or not and are in fact born guilty of racism. In this respect it’s a bit like the way in which the Catholic Church has always regarded original sin – inescapable! If, on the other hand, you are from a (preferably) minority group emanating from Africa, India or better still you regard yourself as coming from an indigenous tribal people then you are in a very special place indeed because no matter how hard you try, you can never be racist. Whatever profane terms you may employ in discussion with those prejudiced and bigoted whites you save so much hatred for, you will only ever be seen for what you truly are – a warrior for justice! Whatever discriminatory language you might use towards them you are completely safe to do so because the world (and more importantly the Race Relations Office) knows that your crusade is a fair and just one, the outcome of which is for the good of humanity. I have noted in some of my recent research on this topic that some groups within this sacred cause are becoming mobile, flexible if you like. For instance some warriors for justice are keen to turn the Irish into honorary people of colour. Presumably this stems from the way they have been treated over the years by the dastardly English. Now nobody could honestly say that the Irish have much to thank the English for but even so as a group they are generally very white people indeed. As I said, these victim groups are now more flexible than they once were. The rapid changes are clearly evidenced by the attitudes of some local warriors for justice who currently have those with Jewish ancestry in their sights. Last time I looked, people from a Jewish heritage were most definitely not Aryan at all. But as I said, this racism business is becoming a whole lot more mobile so anything could happen!

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