Tuesday, 16 July 2019
A Possible Return to Fascism
I should never have started watching those hypnotic clips of Piers Morgan exhibiting his strengths and his weaknesses on a programme called Good Morning Britain. It was supposed to be light relief whilst weaning myself away from Jordan Peterson and I only started watching him because friends and acquaintances, who I now understand to be URF&A ….Ultra Right Friends & - you get my drift, told me that he spoke a lot of sense (UR sense of course). Jordan Peterson can be addictive to people like me who are somewhat lacking in sensitivity and correct thinking. When I stumbled across Piers Morgan I found he was even more so. Quite apart from the fact that he appeared to have very little sympathy or emotional alignment with those he was interviewing, the fact that everyone shouted over everyone else in a rather belligerent manner was distracting. We in the Southern Hemisphere have been conditioned over thirty or forty years to allow each other to air unacceptable opinions in a less antagonistic way. In fact we are trained in kindergarten and become accustomed to the idea that only he/she who is holding the pink bunny or the yellow ball is allowed to speak. This does create a false sense of tolerance I agree as we deftly dodge the moment when the actuality of our unpopular views will be exposed for all to see and we are forced to hang our heads in shame.
Piers Morgan was very bad for me because I found myself agreeing with most of his UR views. I realized by the time we got to the programme about gender change in under tens that my mother had been quite right about me being Easily Led. I had now clearly fallen in with the Wrong Crowd. Later in transglobe three am discussion with Jessica in Islington she pointed out not for the first time that once upon a time I was much more accepting of such ideas and wouldn’t my late Auntie Queenie have most likely benefited from some kind of surgical intervention early on in her life? From what Jessica remembered back in the day most of the Constant family seemed to reject poor Queenie. I said I didn’t recall her being rejected though she was at one time treated as a bit of an oddity which to be fair, I think she came to rather enjoy because she was definitely something of an exhibitionist . Anyway all that was really beside the point because I was only drawing the line at the extreme end of the current debate. Jessica said she thought the positioning of the line had more to do with wanting to be seen as reasonably liberal than anything else.
I didn’t argue because of course she was right. I mean who in their right mind wants to invite the rabid criticism that emanates from those huffing and puffing Virtue Signallers who see insults in every corner? The zealots among us now get offended so terribly easily and feel they have been put on this earth in order to show others the Right Way to think so if you have any sense at all you do think before you say something that upsets them.
And as I have said previously, what is to be done with social lepers like myself anyway? There are probably more of us than you might imagine. After all it’s not beyond the realms of possibility surely that those of us who have always happily jogged along with the legal recognition of same sex relationships might be just a bit miffed at the idea of same sex marriage? Is that really not OK? And those of us who would not dream of castigating an adult who decided to change gender, might feel some concern at the idea of a child being afforded the same degree of acceptance.
What should be Done with we who hold genuine but socially unpopular views on life? How should we be compelled to conform? I mean, most of us really would like to change – after all who wants to go through life as a Bigot and a Racist in this day and age? It is definitely a most unhappy place to find oneself in. There should be government re-education programmes for people like us and those that berate us so readily should surely understand that it is help we rednecks need rather than ridicule and threats of retribution. We can't help the way we think.
I mentioned a word or two about Stalinist Russia the last time I aired this problem but upon re-examining the conundrum perhaps Hitler had the right idea and Fascism is the road to follow. After all, the complete shutting down of dissent worked for him for a number of years – why on earth should it not work for us?
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