
Saturday, 16 January 2021

An Apology to Siegfried Sassoon .........


Does it matter, a child out of hell?

Perfection can’t always be found

And nobody knows us that well

So evidence thin on the ground

But what of that infinite hate, that blame for the trouble and strife

Laid at the feet of the parents, who permitted an imperfect life.


Does it matter the shame of it all?

The disgrace of a dissolute son

The explaining once more why he doesn’t appear.

But is duty a tad overdone?

Does it matter ignoring the dying?  Should they simply accept their own lapse?

Did their parenting need a sharp overhaul, a shake-up, a reboot perhaps?


Do they matter, those dreams from the past?

Of the infant whose love turned to hate,

An affection that just failed to last

Was it him, was it them, was it fate?

What was it that led to such loathing, that led to this great disconnect?

The ripping apart of filial bonds, devotion now dormant, now wrecked.


Do they matter, these feelings of rage?

This urge to annihilate now?

Is revenge for the torment of illness and age

Within guidelines that norms should allow?

Reprisals surely must follow, it’s natural avenging the dead

It’s normal and honest to feel this disgust, so surely no tears should be shed.


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