
Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Christmas Eve in Parnell, Auckland.....

I always think Christmas Eve is much nicer than Christmas Day so this year we are adopting what I am reliably told is a German tradition - exchange of gifts and carols on Christmas Eve and if the weather holds maybe supper in the courtyard with candles and reminiscences of times past.  Nice, cosy and a little bit sad at the same time;  what could be better?
Christmas greetings to all, far and near, especially to Seamus in Taiwan and Sinead who as I write is heading towards Cape Wrath in the north of Scotland along with Luke to spend a Pikey Christmas with as many members of the dissolute, disreputable and dysfunctional family as can make it that far. We are crossing our fingers that Luke won't be too horrified by them en masse at this festive time of year.
Patrick has promised he will behave exceptionally well this year and is hopefully at this moment heading from Panmure to Parnell without partaking in too many hostelries along the way.  
We three - he, me and the husband will be dining on marinated fish this evening and roast pheasant tomorrow.   We will be thinking fondly of all of you.

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