
Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Great Way to Spend a Tuesday Afternoon!

Tuesday 30th December found us doing a spot of entertaining (and not before time either!).   The trouble with downsizing is that it becomes harder to cram too many friends at any one time into one's  new and limited space.  
`It'll be easy in the summer time,' the husband announced confidently one winter afternoon with the rain pouring down, `Because then we can use the courtyard.'   I agreed so on the Tuesday in question we were found using the courtyard just as he had planned.   We had even thought ahead and bought sun hats from the two dollar shop which we now keep under the bed (the hats I mean).   There really is very little space at this oh so smart city perimeter address.   But the good news is that it did not rain!
Four of the guests had themselves already downsized from vast family homes in various suburbs and understood perfectly the problems involved in entertaining under the new and challenging circumstances.    Philippa said she often gets ten around her dining table in Grey Lynn and then she added, `with a bit of a squeeze that is.'   And Margaret's expertise viz a viz holding lunches and cocktail parties in her large room with the sensational view in Newmarket is already the stuff of legend and she's only been there a year.   Shirley, still in her palatial home at Red Beach (of which we are all secretly envious) has yet to come to terms with the complexities of city living though knowing her she will do it with panache when the time comes.
I won't lie and say that Tuesday was totally effortless - there are things I will do better next time like remembering the switch the oven on and counting the wine glasses but overall we all had a splendid time though I say it myself.   The lads certainly enjoyed catching up and reaffirming what medicine was like in the good old days.   The ladies were the main contributors to any conversation of note and had the most interesting ideas on euthanasia, gay marriage and whether the Pope is likely to be poisoned whilst eating in the Vatican canteen.
The next soiree is planned for early in 2015.  
Wishing you all a very good New Year.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great way to spend a year's end Tuesday afternoon - thank you for including us. Happy New Year. Look forward to lots of thought provoking and humorous discussions in 2015.
