
Saturday, 24 January 2015

City Cell Phone Users

I am well and truly fed up with city cell phone users!  You know the ones I mean – they pace the pavements with more than positive determination, striding into anyone unlucky enough to be in their path.   Elderly arthritis sufferers, mothers with newborns in their arms, those burdened with parcels – all must scatter, leap aside, disperse promptly,  because the city cell phone user has a total disregard for the comfort and general well-being of others.  They have eyes only for the small screen in front of them.   After all, consider what might happen if they had to wait ten minutes to view the email from the dog sitter or become acquainted with the selfie the best friend has posted on Facebook.
Because I am at heart a polite person (yes, it’s true) I used to courteously move aside for them, but no longer!    Now, the moment I see them coming I wait until they are within spitting distance and then if they don’t deviate from their path, I simply stand still, legs apart to take the impact should it actually come.    Surprisingly, more than often than not it doesn’t.  They swerve right or left at the very last moment which proves a point.  Of course they can see you!  They simply choose not to move aside.   Why? – because they consider themselves and their cell phone messages/updates substantially more significant than those around them.
Join the ranks of the Standing Still – it works!

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