
Monday, 19 January 2015

I'm With Maria

In 1998, Maria del Carmen Garcia’s thirteen year old daughter was raped by Antonio Soriano on her way back from the shops with a loaf of bread.   It was just after midday.   He went to prison of course but seven years later, in 2005, was released on a three day pass.  On his way home he decided to stop off in a bar for some coffee.  Whilst he was drinking his coffee Maria del Carmen Garcia walked in and Antonio, no doubt showing off,  made a very poor decision indeed.    He asked how her daughter was!   This resulted in her becoming very angry and basically turning him into a screaming torch.
The bar owner's account of events is slightly different.  He said :  `Soriano was standing at the bar very close to me when the woman walked in. She didn’t acknowledge anyone but walked up to Soriano, who was drinking a coffee, put her hand on his shoulder and turned him round to face her. Then she pulled the bottle she was carrying from under her arm and began to tip it over him. At first I didn’t realise what was happening, but then I smelt the petrol. I jumped up and tried to grab her, but when she struck a match I got clear.’
Maria was arrested shortly afterwards.  As for Soriano, well he suffered burns to 60% of his body and died in hospital ten days later. Maria was eventually sentenced to nine-and-a-half years in prison for killing him, but had that sentence reduced to five-and-a-half years because of a mental disorder she claimed was a direct result of her daughter being raped.  I don’t know about you but I’m definitely with Maria!

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