
Sunday, 29 March 2015

Double Breasted Pajamas for Winston Peters

It wasn't until this morning that I caught up with the latest about Winston Peters.  I couldn't be more thrilled - it's much more exciting than the cricket!  Well done Winston.
There's something about the man that never fails to attract me - I'll go further because there have been times over the years when he has positively set my pulse racing.  What a dapper chappie he is to be sure.   It's got something to do with his dress sense because he never fails to look sensationally sexy in those suits of his.   
I'm being serious here because it is my belief that you should never under estimate a man in a double breasted suit.
Alongside Winston so many of our representatives simply look like slobs don't they?
At one time I used to fantasize about spending the night with him (just one night you understand) - I bet he wears double breasted pajamas in a dark blue stripe!

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