
Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Seat Belt Rules For Travelling Toddlers

Loved the story a day or two ago of the three year old boy who absolutely refused to wear his seat belt on an international flight.  Guess what?  The plane was unable to leave the runway.   The combined efforts of airline staff quoting laws and bylaws regarding air travel were quite unable to persuade his parents that they must make him comply with the regulations.   His mother said he knew his own mind and he just hated to be so confined.  He could sit on her knee.  Both parents were quite shocked when it was explained to them that he could not sit on her knee.  That was for infants under two years of age.   Maybe they might think about not traveling after all.
Well, after some discussion the family said they would not leave the aircraft because they had a right to be there - they'd paid for the flight after all.   By this time the other passengers were getting mighty edgy and various suggestions were made like making the little chap an offer he couldn't refuse.  But these parents were not into coercion  and neither were they into incentives because their son had strength of character as was being witnessed by all and sundry.   Eventually when another twenty minutes passed during which time they also spurned the idea of giving him a thick ear, someone said the police should be called. 
Now you would imagine that at this point this spirited little fellow would have been forcibly strapped into his seat, by his Mummy and Daddy,  kicking and screaming and possibly also biting wouldn't you?   But no, the family then decided to leave the plane after all, threatening to sue the airline.
It makes you think.  If they can't get him to do what they ask when he's three, I do wonder what he will be like when he's ten or eleven.  

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