
Friday, 12 June 2015


The rather breathtakingly beautiful person on my left was describing her current career aspirations.  She knew the importance of networking which is something I have yet to master.   Later my friend at the end of the table told me that this dazzling vision of loveliness was over forty years old but quite honestly if she’d told me she was eighteen I would have believed her.
The husband later pointed out as comfortingly as was possible, that she owed her appearance to  her rather stunning mother and so it was in the genes.   One thing is certain, when I was just over forty I looked rather more careworn, but then I was at that stage finding the day to day grind of three children, two of whom were being determinedly home schooled, difficult to keep up with.  To add to the dilemma there was the challenge of the reassuring husband, then working long days in South Auckland and definitely expecting a hot meal every single evening.  How I envied those other home schoolers, those possessed of  house husbands who changed the baby and at times did the cooking and certainly did not turn their noses up at an occasional plate of baked beans on toast for dinner.   Conversely, mine was definitely of the meat, two veg and gravy variety and in those days I had not yet discovered frozen mashed potato.   No, I have my end of the table friend, at that time very busy herself being a TV personality, to thank for frozen mash.  I should also give credit where it is due and acknowledge her for the introduction to microwaved sticky date puddings which the consoling one is now inordinately fond of.   Those puddings are capable of bringing a tear to his eye especially when teamed with instant custard.  
But I must not get distracted because this post concerns self  promotion rather than food.  Strange though it may seem to some, although I try hard, promotion in any of its infinite varieties does not come easily to me.   This might of course have something to do with the crisis of confidence that invariably follows those emails from acquaintances and former friends advising that they wish me to cease sending them information about my latest books.   Negative responses can be hurtful; the repercussions  can last for days and even result in the rather dark contemplation of endless baked bean dinners.
My frozen mash friend urged me to `watch and learn’ and I did so with whole hearted admiration as the exquisite and exasperatingly charming one surfed the table collecting email addresses whilst unashamedly acquainting us with her  many strengths and sharing her objectives for the future.
`I think it would help if I looked more like her,’ I ventured, observing the manner in which the males in our group and those on adjacent tables seemed transfixed by her every word.
My frozen mash friend was clearly losing interest `What utter crap!’  she said.

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