
Wednesday, 3 June 2015

A Life Of Bliss

Oh what a hedonistic life we  senior citizens lead, you could almost describe it as decadent.   Yesterday the elderly husband and I lunched with the Hawkes and the Taits in Remuera Village’s celebrated Thai Restaurant where we attacked an assortment of chicken and beef dishes with an enthusiasm that bordered on gluttony.   The Hawkes’ beautiful daughter Kat, recently returned from San Francisco was the most restrained of the group, opting for steamed vegetables in place of rice.  I was full of admiration but later I reminded myself that after all she is a dancer and more accustomed to restraint where food is concerned than we who are rather less than physically active.   Kat is so active she is launching a Hipster Ballet class which she described with a great deal of tact and diplomacy as being suitable for `older ladies’.   The way she depicted it the participants will barely have to move at all which sounded like a class I might have been forced to investigate until common sense took over.  Philippa is also going to give it a miss for the time being because she is much too busy writing two articles a month on the other side of the city, in Ponsonby.  However, if you live in the district, are fed up with group walks and would like to give ballet a blast you can get all the details via and I’m sure you will find Kat a most compelling instructor. 
To get back to the self indulgent activities above described, this morning saw me lounging in the Coffee Club on Parnell Road with Annette for two hours of caffeine fueled gossip and  rumour-mongering.  And as if that was not sufficient excitement for one day, this being the first Thursday of the month, the Medical History Society will be graced with our presence this evening and there the  possibilities for scandal and tittle-tattle are of course, endless.   
When you analyse it, life is currently just one treat after another!

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