
Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Lunching in style

Well, as I have said more than once recently, life gets more decadent by the day.   And today's dose of decadence was courtesy of Ostro in The Seafarers' building on Quay Street where on a sudden whim we decided to have lunch.  
All this after morning tea with Good Friend Jackie at La Cigale too.....where we had to try the chocolate croissants - well you can't not try them;  it wouldn't be right.
`Let's have lunch in the city,' I suggested to Gordie the Husband and quick as a flash he agreed, breathlessly suggesting Ostro and should it be full when we arrived then he had a second choice up his sleeve.  At any rate, he assured me, we were not going to go hungry.
Ostro was doing a special lunch for Auckland Foodies' Month - two courses for $40 or three for $50.   We chose the former and over the next ninety minutes partook of a Crudo of Kingfish followed by Butternut Ravioli washed down with several glasses of wine.  All was delicious.  
We had a table by the window overlooking one of the wharfs where several huge container ships with names like `Courageous of Rio' busily emptied their cargo of used cars and tractors into the blustery Auckland winter day.    It was strangely comforting to watch the hive of industry as we emptied our plates.
This is becoming more and more like a Food Blog.  Life could get a lot worse.

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