
Monday, 4 August 2014

Why is epublishing such hard work?

Well it is hard work isn't it?   It is seductively effortless initially - I mean after you've got over the hurdle of following the directions and basically coping with the necessary technology.   And I have to agree that seeing a nice new book cover looking glossy and tempting is very satisfying.    Hey ho, you think to yourself - gone are the bad old days of waiting for a high and mighty agent to get in touch or a publisher to deign to respond. Now it is all so easy-peasy.    But once you've got over the self satisfaction of knowing your latest epic is up there for the world to see.....well it's up to YOU to make sure the world does not overlook it.   And that, of course, is not quite as effortless.
So now, rather than staring at the screen in the midst of a nasty dose of writer's block, you sit drumming  heels, fingers and elbows wondering just who else you can breathlessly bombard by email drawing their attention to a work of enormous literary worth.    I mean, just how many friends can you afford to lose? 

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