
Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Reminiscing on my first mobile phone

Oh how I long for my very first mobile phone.   I think it was 1995 and the phone was definitely heavy, and rather clumpy.  It bumped against my hip reassuring me that it was still there - in fact it was really weighty in my jacket pocket.   But I loved it because it was so simple to use!      Its text function might have been time consuming with all those rapid pulses required to action some letters but it functioned reliably all the same!     It might not have allowed me to develop my film director inner self in fact it didn't even take photos or tell me the time in outer Mongolia, it could not convert farenheit to celcius or wake me at the same time each morning but I could make good telephone calls using it.
I had owned my latest mobile phone for almost a month before I learned how to make run of the mill calls and it was a month later that I finally got on top of its texting ability.   I really dislike it and I say that hesitantly because I do not want to incur its wrath.   Oh you can mock if you like but better to be safe than sorry.

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