
Saturday, 30 May 2015

A Gin & Tonic With The Kray Twins!

Since my new book exploded into cyber space a week or so back, a couple of people have commented that the female with the broom on the cover, somewhat disappointingly, does not really resemble me.   I was surprised to hear that because I had imagined in my usual naive manner that there was a very strong resemblance.  That's what happens I suppose when you get too close to a project.
Anyhow I refuse to let it upset me because in the final analysis it's what's inside the cover that really matters and I can assure any reticent reader that there is a great deal to interest a keen student of night club life in the nineteen sixties.
Those were the days of course!   The good old days when a party invitation from Stephen Ward and a gin and tonic with the Kray twins would certainly set the pulses racing.   But I won't spoil it for you just in case you are on the verge of reading it.  And should that be so you can download it in an instant from Smashwords  and it's also available from Amazon.
It is a very personal slice of 1960s life in London where I worked as showgirl and hostess, catered to those with a compulsion for sexual deviations whilst also writing articles for child care magazines, short stories for women's magazines and typing letters and reports for Harley Street specialists.   Life was very different in those days!  

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