
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Getting to grips with Amazon publishing

The greater part of yesterday afternoon and indeed well into the night, was spent attempting to understand tax matters pertaining to Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing!  Well, need I say more.  Maybe this post should end right here.
But no, let us be grown up about this and proceed further because although I am as previously explained, a mathematical incompetent, I sneakingly believe that I am possessed of average intelligence or something close to it.  After all, not all of us can be good at maths - or knitting - or cooking - or even parenting.   And believing that to be an absolute truth I spoke sternly to myself, made some strong coffee, and sat in a quiet place with a newly printed hard copy of the requirements in front of me.   It could not be too difficult!
Two hours later I sent a calmly composed email to Jennifer who had faced the very same battle a couple of years ago, was good at logical explanations and had a number of highly regarded university degrees to boot.   Not to worry because Jennifer would be able to explain it all.   I abandoned the coffee, poured a small gin and tried to concentrate on Judge Judy - another woman of formidable intellect who would have no problems with the terminology.
Jennifer's reply was horrifyingly disheartening.   It was a nightmare, she said.  In the end she had given up and opted for what appeared to be something akin to signing over her husband, house and all its contents to the IRS.   She fervently wished me luck.
I contemplated the TV screen in moderate despair and had a rethink about the abilities of Judge Judy.

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