
Wednesday, 29 October 2014


I wouldn't say I was an expert at ordering goods on line.  I've never ordered clothes that way although I'm more than tempted by Marks & Spencers.   Mostly I order books and occasionally DVDs.  
The husband, flicking from channel to channel, commented that he could find nothing to watch on television.    Thank heaven for that, I thought to myself because he usually manages to find at least a replay of a rugby game from somewhere in Bulgaria.
I decided to give the attractive flyer recently uplifted from the mail box, greater attention.   After a Google search which assured me that those responsible for the flyer had a `proper' office adddress with telephone and fax numbers, I did not give in to the urge to also search them out via the Companies Office.   No, instead, I made a decision to order a BBC police drama series tantalizingly entitled `Shetland'.    What could be better to watch on a stormy Auckland evening in what passes as Springtime than the solving of crime on the Shetland Islands?    Congratulating myself on my decisiveness I sent my order complete with payment flying off into On Line Orderland and informed the husband that in a very short space of time he would have something decent to watch.
`Uh?' he grunted.  He had found cricket being played somewhere in Africa.
I looked forward to receiving the goods from Orderland with mounting anticipation.  After all, once a very long time ago I had actually visited Shetland with a man I was in love with.   In fact we had flown his Mini across from somewhere near John O Groats because the beloved was fearful there would be no public transport and anyway he didn't like buses.   I couldn't remember very much about the trip except that it was cold and windy and there appeared to be no buses and very few places where you could buy petrol.
I was very upset indeed a few hours later when a teaser-trailer after News At Six informed me that a new police drama was soon to come to lucky New Zealanders, on Monday next in fact.   Yes, you've guessed - Shetland!   Oh Bugger!

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