
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Sunday lunch at The Coach & Horses.....

We were doing a `down memory lane' walk around Northfleet in Kent five or six weeks ago and after bewailing the fact that the houses on `my' side of York Road had all been demolished, and that the chalk pits no longer looked as exciting as they did when I was nine, and how Ebbsfleet International Station had totally ruined the reed beds, we decided to have lunch at the Coach & Horses on The Hill. Sharon Duffy certainly provides a sensational lunch - more than enough for four or five and wonderfully tasty.   I hadn't been in the pub since I was eighteen or nineteen and am afraid to say that in those days the atmosphere and antiquity of the place was quite lost on me.   A really lovely old building.   If you're in the area you should pop in and then you'll see exactly what I mean.  

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