
Friday, 24 October 2014

Marco & Polo

On Friday we spent a very pleasant late morning/early afternoon in deepest Devonport admiring Marco and Polo who are the most delightful and lucky kittens.  Lucky because they are being fostered by Jennifer and have not only a charming old house to explore, but a garden with tall grass and Hollyhocks, Daisies and an emerging Banana Tree -  in fact all that any duo of kittens could possibly wish for.    After a satisfying brunch at Five Loaves in Church Street Jennifer instructed Hank on how to kitten-sit whilst we worked our way through the registering of  tax details process on Amazon KDP.  It had threatened to be terrifying but for some reason was quite simple because of a recent change in something called FATCA regulations (don't ask me what that means).   We remain suspicious and think perhaps the said changes are a cruel hoax - will definitely report back if that is so.
In the interim it became clear that Hank was definitely not the best kitten-sitter in the world and we would have done better to put him safely in a locked room and let the kittens run loose.  


  1. Looking after two lively kittens is even more demanding than dealing with royalty taxation on Amazon - but also a lot more fun.
