
Thursday, 19 February 2015

Coming Out of the Rightist Closet

Before I launch into today’s rant I have to admit that politically I am somewhere to the far right of Vlad the Impaler.   Not only would I bring back hanging, I would also consider the chopping off of hands for minor theft and definitely I’m all for castration for rapists and those who sexually molest children.   So there we are – at least you know where I stand.
I think it must this leaning so far to the right that causes me so much ire when I see incidents such as that experienced by John Key recently, being harangued and jostled whilst going about his prime-ministerial business.   What exactly were the `protestors’ going to do if they actually got their hands on him I wonder? And why do so many among us think it’s perfectly all right for him to be tangibly intimidated in this way?
I posed the point to one or two friends though I know them to be rather more to the left than I am – in fact I’m seriously wondering if I’m actually still on their `friends’ list now I have totally emerged from the Rightist closet.
`He’s such a slimy bugger,’ said one woman as she hunched over her muffin and short black, adding that she didn’t like him at all and looking as if she would very much like to ask why it was that I appeared so fond of him; except she didn’t.
`So is it OK then to physically jostle him?’
`He deserves it,’ she said for no very clear reason.
Another was far more forthright, `He’s just a rich prick who doesn’t care about anybody except himself and his rich mates,’ she said vehemently.
`So that makes it OK to push and shove him does it?’
`Serves him right,’ she said, attacking her beetroot & feta salad viciously, `Might make him think!’
Now I have to make it totally clear that both these women are into good works, prison reform and animal welfare and I wouldn’t dream of broaching the topic of bringing back hanging with either of them.
I should also add here and now that I have never had any dealings with John Key, our paths have never crossed, but I have to say that what I like about him is his up-front take it or leave it honesty.  And I really do admire the way he doesn’t get into name calling and jeering and sneering at those who do not share his views.
And while we are visiting this topic, have you ever heard of a group of Right Wingers like myself setting out to berate and publicly manhandle the Lefties whose policies we disapprove of?

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