
Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Lunch at SeaCow - Dinner at The White Rabbit

Jackie, formerly of Remuera, has upsized to a splendid house on Mission Bay Beach.
`Well, the garden's much smaller,' she said defensively when I called by to view it.  I'm telling you - it took time to view - especially if you viewed all the storage space.  I was drooling!  When we had done with viewing we went on to Coffee Club round the corner where we spoke of many things, as you do and drank iced chocolate and shared a piece of chocolate cake.  All very agreeable.
Then, on a whim, Jackie suggested we should go to SeaCow for lunch because it was so close by it seemed wrong to ignore it.  So we did and ate, among other things, seared scallops.  Neither of us could believe that on Tuesdays their lunches cost a mere ten dollars.  I kid you not - you should try them.    We both left feeling more than replete. So when, a hour or so later, I got home to be greeted by the husband  telling me he had booked a table at The White Rabbit for dinner, as you no doubt can visualise, I was less than totally thrilled.
However, I know better than to complain, so off we went.  
`Peter Calder says the food is very good,' the husband informed me, ordering the fish stew which was called something else but it was in fact fish stew.    It was indeed very good but the charred bread served with it was not.    As an afterthought I had ordered a side dish of chips (they sounded as if they might be calorie free) - they were the best I have ever tasted anywhere in over forty years of regular sampling restaurant chips.  Altogether an over-eating sort of day.

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