
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

David Bain: Should He Get Compensation?

I say yes.
I have to admit they were an odd lot though, the Bains I mean.  You probably only have to ask their neighbours, not that I have ever been in a position to do so of course.  Then there was all that home schooling they were into at one time.  We all know that children who are not forcibly made to fit into the mould are destined to become square pegs and  it stands to reason they’d massacre their entire family without batting an eyelid.   Then of course there was the paper round which was a very odd thing for a twenty two year old to be doing.  And that sweater!  Enough said!  Anybody wearing a sweater like that surely would end up with a grudge against humanity never mind whoever knitted it for him and placed it under the Christmas tree.
Apart from all that don’t you think  David had a shifty look about him?   It  made you wonder if he could bring himself to look you in the eye which is undoubtedly a sure sign of a mass killer. Oh another thing – his eyes were too close together.  Has anybody else noticed that?  What more evidence could you want?
And as that Bryan Bruce chap keeps saying on the wireless:  if David didn’t slaughter the lot of them then we are just going to have to prove that Robin did it.   Stands to reason doesn’t it?   If not David it must have been his Dad.
Not some homicidal maniac stepping in off the street then?
Not even a neighbour with a gripe about home schooling?
Not a very irate parent whose child was forced into a religious instruction half hour by Robin?  They can become very angry when something like that happens.  You hear them on talk back radio all the time.
No – if it wasn’t David it’s obvious that it absolutely HAD to be Robin!  
Just give him the money.

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