
Wednesday, 11 February 2015

TV Cooking Shows

I really do enjoy cooking though maybe less than I used to but still find cookery books quite compelling bedtime reading.   I used to look forward to cooking for dinner parties until the arthritis got to the thumbs and made it not quite as thrilling an experience as it once had been.    When we first got Sky TV I fell in love with the Food Channel and was sometimes known to watch it mid-afternoon.  And oh dear, when we finally sold up our large house in St. Heliers and moved to city living I grieved for my big kitchen for a solid year or more – in fact I only really began to accept the smaller one when younger son, on a visit from Shanghai pointed out that galley kitchens are much easier all round to work in and that I had plenty of bench space so what was I going on about?    
So I stopped going on about it and switched on for inspiration as to what I might usefully cook in my own personal galley.  And to be totally honest I rather enjoyed those interminable cooking shows for the first few months.  I’m serious here, I watched them and learned from them.    However, even I, a dedicated Foodie, am well and truly repelled by the endless stream on the small screen of would-be cooks tearfully telling us how they burnt the caramel or why their eggs curdled.   Night after night it seems that if we dare to tune in we are confronted by yet another distraught kitchen loser.    Are there really still pockets of keen viewers out there -  perhaps in deepest Oamaru?  

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