
Saturday, 9 May 2015

Beautiful People

I’ve discovered that the charming and lovely Alex Polizzi, she who once was the Hotel Inspector and is now The Fixer, has a similar effect on men over fifty as the equally exquisite Joanna Lumley had a decade or so before her.
What I mean is that they are prone to stop in their tracks when she appears on the small screen, and stand mesmerized rather than continue on their way to the kitchen with the dirty plates or whatever minor chore the appearance of the rather fetching one interrupted.   
That’s how it works in our house anyway and as I said, I do recognize the syndrome as the very same that was once inspired by the comely Ms. Lumley’.
It is the husband’s opinion that Alex Polizzi is highly intelligent and capable and that’s why he listens attentively to every pearl of wisdom issuing forth from her appealing lips.  He thought Joanna was pretty bright too.   It is his opinion that Alex is a stylish dresser.  He thought much the same of Joanna of course.
For the duration of the current programme he usually asks me more than once how old I think she might be.  Needless to say, Joanna’s age was constantly being queried at one time.
Last week I suggested that Alex might be twenty two or twenty three even.  
He gave a huge sigh of satisfaction.
As for myself, I simply cannot stand the way she calls everybody `Darling’ – so terribly nineteen sixties don’t you think?

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