
Friday, 22 May 2015

Ladies Who Lunch

On Friday Philippa and I lunched somewhat extravagantly at Harbourside where the food was on the visually stunning side – and tasted very good too.   We got there just after twelve and were still happily setting the world to rights as it neared two thirty when several of the staff asked if there was anything else they could provide.  However, we are a sensitive pair and so we got the message and at that stage departed, Philippa to catch her bus back to Ponsonby and me to browse the yarns store in the Downtown shopping centre intent on buying a `specials’ assortment for the knit&crochet blanket I currently work on.   Very dull I know, but one has to do something whilst watching Coronation Street.
I must say I do enjoy lunching with Philippa because not only is she invariably up to date with the lives of our mutual friends and knows exactly who is considering new curtains for the lounge or contemplating taking on a toy boy, she is apt to make flattering comments about my books and is a first rate ego booster.  And I must add here that in these turbulent days of the demise of traditional publishing, anyone reckless enough to put pen to paper, or fingertips to keyboard, needs all the ego boosting they can muster.
On Friday she said some very complimentary things about In Disgrace With Fortune (  now available at both Smashwords and Amazon for those who might be interested.)   She told me that whilst being a personal story it was also a slice of social history which was something that had not quite occurred to me although now it has been pointed out, has become glaringly obvious.   I had originally seen it as simply a glimpse into an unhappy segment of one individual’s life, a catalogue of personal events taking place half a century ago.  Those interested in the social consequences of the nineteen sixties will undoubtedly see much more. 
Sincere thanks to Philippa Tait for her unfailing wisdom and good humour – and also for the Harbourside lunch which was very, very enjoyable!

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