
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Holding Shameful Views

Funny how despite the fact that as a society we are reminded on a daily basis to be constantly aware and accepting of our differences one from another, we all know that some beliefs, opinions and viewpoints are infinitely more appropriate and generally tolerable than others.
No longer is it customary to physically chastise unruly children, the law actually forbids it.  I was more than surprised to read the other day that you can still smack your offspring in Ireland.   We have all accepted this relatively new societal attitude even though most of us would agree that the well-disciplined small child is infinitely more welcome by most of us than the disruptive and disorderly one.
It has become almost fashionable to keep an unkempt home strange as that might seem.   Visitors to clean and tidy homes are more than happy to comment on it and add proudly that they just can’t get around to cleaning themselves.   Conversely if a visitor to their place was to observe what a filthy dump it seemed to be, they would quite rightly be thought of as extremely rude.
Holding Left Wing views, even those verging on the extreme, is somehow laudable whilst Right Wing opinions are often seen as beyond the pale.   This is particularly evident in politics where those on the Left can hurl insults and refer to the Right as `rich pricks’ but it would be unthinkable for the Right to respond in kind.
For a decade or more there has been a disturbingly similar trend with regard to emerging social issues.  The Irish Referendum recently showed us that even in a conformist and religious society there is a groundswell of acceptance of Gay Marriage.   A courageously vocal Roman Catholic Bishop who admitted he had voted against the idea was moved to add that the Church needed to re-examine the issues involved.   Generally, though, it is wiser for those opposed to remain silent.
As far as I’m personally concerned, unless asked, I’m quite happy to remain as quiet as possible about my fundamental beliefs.  Even though I don’t go in for proselytizing, those who disagree with me often become upset, even abusive and if they are friends then that is hard to deal with. So most of my social circle would be unaware that:
I would certainly support re-establishing physical punishment for wayward and willful children.
I would gladly support a petition to bring back hanging.
I'm not in favour of Gay Marriage.

I believe it is a great pity that the Little Black Sambo books have disappeared not only from libraries but also from bookshops.

Oh - and I really don't mind if others disagree with me.


  1. Replies
    1. Well thank you Highlander - is that the Highlands of Scotland or the Highlands of New Guinea?
