
Monday, 17 November 2014


It seems that suddenly everyone I know is, or has recently downsized from their large and comfortable suburban homes.   Sensible when you think about it when the children have long since flown the nest and are themselves heading rapidly towards middle age.  (With the possible exception of our own oldest who was quite comfortable living downstairs at the age of forty.  Yes – FORTY!) 
I must not digress and anyway we solved that problem finally by selling the house while he wasn’t paying too much attention and hastily moving into a small apartment (with courtyard) on the city fringe.  But the details  thereof is another story for another day.
As I said, everyone is downsizing.   Philippa and husband moved from a large family home in Christchurch to an apartment in Ponsonby several years ago.  They were somewhat ahead of the trend possibly on account of the earthquake.  To be precise, two sizeable earthquakes followed by many more `minor’ shakes.   The first would have driven me out but then I was born on the outskirts of London and to my knowledge that city has never suffered such events.  If it did I firmly believe that the entire population would abandon the place immediately.   The people of Christchurch were made of stronger stuff and did not vacate their city quite so easily.    But Philippa sensibly did shortly followed by Olga and husband who decided that apartment living was not for them and settled in a rather larger residence reasonably close to the city (but not quite as close as Philippa or me).
Jackie did most of her downsizing research while her husband was in England concentrating on The Proms.  He attended every concert.   I thought this was sensible of her and told her so when we met regularly to discuss her progress.   She had lived for thirty years in a lovely cottagey house with a very English feel in a suburb where people have very nice gardens.  She had a very nice garden herself with sunflowers and hollyhocks and daisies – but to be fair she comes from England and furthermore gardening comes easily to her.   She has now found the home of her dreams and has downsized triumphantly, just as the husband in question returned from his musical marathon.  Though somewhat eccentrically to my mind because the dream home is rather larger than the cottagey one.   Her reason seems to be that she was having some trouble getting the music fan to relinquish his books.
On Sunday last the husband and I went to a Downsized Housewarming Party given by Dawn and husband who have moved from their lovely five bedroomed house, and are now several streets closer to the city, in a marginally smaller but equally lovely house with a mere four bedrooms.
It was a delightful party and a really charming abode.  What’s more a Duchess lives almost next door and that has to be a bonus.
Olga was also a guest and she looked around approvingly.  She said she thought Dawn had made a very sensible choice.  It’s difficult she told me, to live in small spaces as you get older.
I nibbled a garlic prawn and sipped Chardonnay and reflected that our own particular interpretation of downsizing differed substantially from some of our friends.    I wish Philippa had been there because I know she would have agreed with me.

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