
Thursday, 20 November 2014

Urgent Addendum....Mighty Ape & Courier Post

I have to be honest and say that whoever decided upon the packaging for the Blogging Book that yesterday went AWOL needs to have a rethink.   When, after several distraught telephone conversations with both Mighty Ape and Courier Post, the package was successfully re-delivered to the accommodating commercial unit sharing our address, the reason for the problem was immediately clear.   The packaging measured 38cm x 52cm – the book a mere 19cm x 23 cm.  I now see why it did not fit in the mail box.    On the other hand, it has to be said that the driver made very little attempt to gain access to the block.  The intercom system has been checked and was working at the time and I was standing beside it.
Mighty Ape have responded very well and reimbursed my account with ten dollars – and so I am beginning to feel much less hostile toward them (can’t say quite the same of Courier Post though).
Oh the myriad of problems that confront and confound today’s Blogger!

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