
Sunday, 9 November 2014

Situations I really don't like being in

I do not like being in a doctor's consulting room.  While I am there I can definitely feel my pulse rate increasing and my blood pressure creeping up.    Having said that being in a similar situation with a dentist is a lot worse.  Even the thought of visiting the dentist gives me an attack of tachycardia.  I  am so fearful of pain that in order to have a simple filling done I have to call upon the services of an anaesthetist.   Yes, it's pathetic I know - and expensive of course.
Another situation I truly loathe and detest is being in a hair salon.   The friendly chat and banter is a nightmare and every time I go I have nightmares afterwards of....
`What's your day been like so far?'
`Any plans for the weekend?'
`What are you planning for Christmas?'
All these amiable conversation starters leave me feeling like a guard dog patrolling a building site. Keeping a fixed smile upon the face is not easy.

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