
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Mighty Ape & Courier Post

I have been rendered powerless with fury this morning – and all because of a card-to-call left by Courier Post.    Apparently the book I had ordered via Mighty Ape could not be delivered because it required a signature – No it did not. I had carefully instructed that it should be left in mailbox.   That’s as maybe apparently because the driver in his wisdom had decided it was not safe to do so – how dare he?  If it gets nicked it’s my problem surely?   These points are debatable but only to some extent.   What is a little more to the point is that at 8.42 when the cheery red van drew up outside our block of units, I was standing in my kitchen right beside the entry intercom phone, sipping instant coffee.  I must be honest and say that if he tapped in the code for apartment 1C then my hearing momentarily failed me.  
To be fair the code instructions can be a little confusing.  It’s easy to get it wrong (and that of course is why I had carefully instructed that the parcel be left in the mailbox!)
However, all is not lost.  Although I have paid for my item to be delivered by courier, it’s not as if it’s disappeared into the ether and anyway they’re sorry they missed me.  I know they’re sorry because they say so on the card they left.   What’s more I can pick up my parcel from McDonald Street in Morningside, a few suburbs distant and easily reached on two bus journeys.    I must remember though to take a valid photo ID along with me.  A passport should be good enough. And alarmingly, if I do not pick it up within ten days the item is going to be returned to sender so I had better get on with it.
I would have rung in to complain earlier if only there had been a phone number on the card-to-call.   Instead there was a web address together with a handy QR Code that would take me straight through to the screen where I could access all my options.   By the time I located the Courier Post helpline I was not at my charming best.  I was even a bit rude to the nice young woman who was very pleasant and helpful in return and promised to arrange for a re-delivery – tomorrow in fact.  
I was still angry when I rang Mighty Ape to tell them I would never ever order anything from them again and they should dump Courier Post pronto.   Another friendly and obliging person overlooked my total lack of courtesy and said she would do her best to get the item re-delivered today!   I could have kissed her.
I have been waiting for The Dummies Guide to Blogging for almost a month!

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