
Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Tuesday evening at Non Solo Pizza

I told the husband that in actual fact we didn't need to stop by Non Solo Pizza at all because our own refrigerator held a not inconsiderable quantity of a slow cooked beef and mushroom casserole.  I thought I saw him shudder slightly before he responded confidently, ` will save all the kerfuffle of heating it up in the microwave....'
We were on our way back from a 5.30 AGM where I had now become a fully fledged member of a Committee which was one of the many experiences I had decided several years ago I would not repeat.    I do not make a good Committee member and the Asthma Society was certainly pleased to see me go, as was NZAGC.  The Home School Association wouldn't let me join in the first instance which I still suspect was most irregular.  However life is too short to hold too many grudges and I firmly believe I have mellowed in the intervening years.
` will be nice and quiet at this time on a Tuesday evening....'  the husband was confidently leading the way from the deftly found parking place directly outside the Catholic Church where we kept promising ourselves we would one Sunday attend a Mass, across the road, and into the restaurant.    A sudden cacophony assaulted us as we weaved through the dozens of merry drinkers spilling from the bar.
` will be quieter in the restaurant....'    he was sounding only marginally less confident.   But it was and we were swiftly found a corner table where he quickly ordered two glasses of wine and the Fish Special for himself and ignored the fact that I had told him twice already that I wasn't hungry.
`Have an entree portion of pasta,'   he suggested in an over-cheerful voice.    So I did - Cannelloni to be precise and when it arrived it was so delicious I wished I had ordered a larger portion.
Tucking into his fish, that nestled enticingly in a bed of wilted spinach, he said by way of conversation, `You'll make a good Committee member you know!'

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