
Saturday, 1 November 2014

Success with Amazon at last!

Well to be rather more precise, success with the Kindle Direct Publishing website! 
`You ought to go onto Amazon,' the daughter urged and added with rather less certainty, `Your books would sell really well on Amazon.'
When we got back from London I asked around all the writers and would-be writers I knew;  not many actually but enough to form the nucleus of a firm statistics group.   The question I put to them as nonchalantly as possible, was, `Are you on Amazon?' and of course they all knew exactly what I meant.
`I've always been on Amazon,' said Jennifer.
`Of course,' said Olga, `I've been on Amazon for over a year.'
`Naturally,' said Brian in a slightly irritated voice, `Why do you ask?'
`Certainly,' said Mary.
`Definitely,' said Janet.
I thought upon this for several days before contacting reliable and competent  Maureen in Malta and asking her to prepare .mobi files of my most recent writings.  They would be completed in ten days she told me.  Quite honestly if she had suggested ten weeks I would have felt more at ease, so convinced was I that the sheer toil of ensuring that the files actually converted into Kindle books for Amazon's lists was beyond me.   They arrived forty eight hours ago and ruminating on the task ahead ensured that Friday night was spent mostly devoid of sleep.
But oddly enough by following the step by step instructions I managed to accomplish the task unaided.   The only hiccup was when the saved .mobi files capriciously decided to change their names and simply call themselves `Kindle Content' which for an hour or two convinced me they had gone wandering into the ether unwilling to become Amazon Kindle Books.  
But following late night communication with Maureen I was reassured that all was well, despite their irritating decision to be known by a different name, at heart they were the same .mobis that had left her office.  Ah, but what are these titles I hear you clamouring to know.

     Deceived by Faith  (a novel)
     Chalk Pits & Cherry Stones  (part 1 of a growing up memoir)
     Eight Ten to Charing Cross  (part 2 of a growing up memoir)

And within hours, fingers crossed, the above three titles should be `up on Amazon' alongside those of all my Auckland friends' and compatriots'.  Well, let's hope so anyway!

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